
Jupiter was an ancient Italian sky god, controller of weather and bringer of storms, lightning, and thunder. His old name, Diespiter (“Father of the Day”), indicates his connection with light and sky. His early identification with the Greek god Zeus established him as the chief of the Olympian gods. His priest, the flamen Dialis, was the most important priest in the ancient Roman order of priests called flamines. The Ides (middle day) of each month was set aside for his worship. On that day the flamen Dialis led a white ewe lamb along the Sacra Via and up the Capitoline Hill to be sacrificed in front of Jupiter's temple. This temple on the Capitoline Hill, the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus (“the Best and the Greatest”), was the center of Roman state religion. Triumphal parades to celebrate military victories ended at this temple with the victorious generals presenting the spoils of victory to Jupiter. You can visit this temple in Region VIII of VRoma.

This Roman bronze statuette of Jupiter, dating from the first - second century CE, shows the god seated on a throne (missing). In his right hand he holds a thunderbolt and in his left a scepter (also missing).